Veronica Daimoi , a farmer from Totum Ward in West Pokot

Success story – Veronica Daimoi , a farmer from Totum Ward in West Pokot
Veronica Daimoi is a farmer from Totum in West Pokot County. She tells the story of how she came across a radio programme five months ago that changed her life for the better.
“The programs with information on agriculture broadcast by Kalya Radio are very helpful,” she adds, “The programmes are interesting and the best thing is that they are in our language.” She is one of the farmers who have been able to put into practice what ‘the radio has taught us.’
Veronica gives three examples of how she has put the radio information to practical use:
“I first heard about the tissue culture bananas on radio, then I went to the agriculture office in Kapenguria and bought the seedlings. One of the officers came to my farm to show me measurements between the planting holes.” Since then her banana crop is thriving and she has taught members of her women’s group what she learned from the radio and the agricultural officers.
“Kalya Radio also did a programme on chicken rearing and this encouraged me to start a chicken project. I have constructed housing for the chicken and I placed an order for 50 chicks that I will soon collect from Kapenguria (the main town).” Veronica explains that one of the lessons on chicken rearing that she picked up from the radio is that to realize profit, it is advisable to start with at least 50 chicken. “There is great demand for eggs in Kapenguria, so I am sure of a ready market,” she beams confidently.
Another programme she heard on radio was about preparation of cattle fodder. “I have already stored some fodder now that it is raining and I continue to collect more grass and other foliage. I am happy I will not have to struggle for fodder once the drought sets in,” she explains.
“The time allocation for the programmes is too short,” she complains, they need to give more details and repeat the programmes another day especially for listeners who may have missed some details. This will help us a lot,” notes Veronica.
She adds that radio is the best tool for West Pokot where visits from agriculture officers are a rare occurrence. “With radio, we can listen from wherever we are,” she adds, “Our women’s group is planning to buy a radio to be listening to the programmes at our meetings.”
“I first heard about the tissue culture bananas on radio, then I went to the agriculture office in Kapenguria and bought the seedlings. One of the officers came to my farm to show me measurements between the planting holes.”
– Veronica Daimoi